09 November 2012

The Venusian


It's been a long road for her, but Corrie Walton is getting ready to publish her new feminist sci-fi magazine here in Southern California featuring fiction, poetry, art, photography, and all other forms of print media. I have the privilege of being a contributor to the first issue of this ambitious project, along with many other talented artists. I'm very excited about this zine. Here's a preview of what's to come from The Venusian:

Kelsey Short lives and works in Nowhere Place. Her work has been included in many other rad zines/anthologies including Drollhouse, Space Camp, and Three06. She is a virtuoso with the brush pen, loves kitty cats, and kimchi. You should support these habits by visiting her store, and keep track of her nowhereabouts on her blog.
Contributor Feature
Kelsey Short lives and works in Nowhere Place. Her work has been included in many other rad zines/anthologies including Drollhouse, Space Camp, and Three06. She is a virtuoso with the brush pen, loves kitty cats, and kimchi. You should support these habits by visiting her store, and keep track of her nowhereabouts on her blog.

Ann “A’misa” Chiu is the editor of Eyeball Burp, an eclectic ‘zine that almost matches her unrelentingly unique and positive personality. Her personal art and blog site is called Colorish Dreams, check it out to see more collage and drawings that remind me of Yayoi Kusama’s work with a craftier edge and an extra dose of humor.
Contributor Feature
Ann “A’misa” Chiu is the editor of Eyeball Burp, an eclectic ‘zine that almost matches her unrelentingly unique and positive personality. Her personal art and blog site is called Colorish Dreams, check it out to see more collage and drawings that remind me of Yayoi Kusama’s work with a craftier edge and an extra dose of humor.

Also, The Venusian is still accepting submissions. If you're looking for somewhere to publish, I'd highly recommend giving this one a shot. Here's a link to the homepage and submission guidelines.