20 May 2012

What is GCO about?

Set in the fictional city of Grid, CO - a sprawling metropolis built to look intentionally futuristic - GRID CITY OVERLOAD swirls around three central characters: a budding uppers addict, an informational psychopath, and a schizotypal soda factory worker who believes he's a fish.

Based on Alvin Toffler's theory of information overload from his 1970 book FUTURE SHOCK, the novel tells the story of people living in the final years of the Information/Technology Age as humanity nudges into a new era of advancement. Narrated by a diverse cast, including a corporate mayoral candidate, a jethead inventor of a modern religion, a retired hitman, and a sentient phone fraught by love and revolution, a portrait of high-tech civilization emerges in which human beings are abstract and reality takes on a new meaning.

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